Mars the Divine (Empire of Time Series) by John Argo


Runners: Escape Prison World or Die (Empire of Time SF Series Novel#6) by John Argo

Page 13.

Chapter 8. Pardon

Mars the Divine (Book 4: Empire of Time series) by John ArgoMy life was spared only because the newly designated Popess, who would take the name Gina-Paulina Benedictina XXIV, took over the ecclesiastical court instead of the Temple. The new Popess wanted to show mercifulness, particularly in light of the fact that nobody could really pin anything on me, except I was there, and Her Late Holiness had remarked to the two priestesses that I had written a warning in the sand, but again none of his was provable in a court of law. The civil judge, hearing a condemnation of me by my old protector the Abbot, wanted to have me thrown from the highest tower to land in a heap of death two miles below as had the unfortunate Timony. Her Holiness, however, explained to these medieval plow horses that the mere desire to hate someone or wreak revenge did not translate into clear legal procedure. I thanked her on my hands and knees, however undignified that may have looked. I was given twelve hours to leave the city with a fresh oxygen pack, dust filter, a plain silver storm suit, and a rucksack full of keepsakes. Of my awful adventures coming down from the highlands, nothing need presently be said, and I hope to forget that bleak episode of my life.

While I was awaiting my sentence, and fearing the worst, I sat in a small cell and watched through the bars as a holo display flicked through its moving images on a wall near the guard desk. I could barely hear the sound, but I didn't need to. One by one, the world's politicians, celebrities, business leaders, and religious figures took their turn at various ceremonies to eulogize the late Popess. I heard my name mentioned as a suspect, and there were calls for my execution. One of those making the most pious of speeches was Duke Balesso. As he spoke, I noticed that he had a green bar tattooed on his wrist, and I wondered if he were the mysterious e-masked witness to my earlier Temple trial. If so, that would mean considerable interest at high levels in Timony's visit to me on the turret stairs.

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