Page 38.
London Aside (Margin Note 2)
[More comments aside:
From my later adventures, I might now say it looked remarkably like one of those RV Recreational Vehicles driven by U.S. Americans of a century later—but this was not U.S. American, nor English, nor Martian—this was an artifact from far in the future. It is worth noting that H. G. Wells wrote his first best-selling imaginative novel, The Time Machine, shortly after these events occurred, and published it in 1884-5. None of us had any way of knowing these things on that night when three real Martians arrived on Earth, an event H.G. Wells would in l898 embellish into War of the Worlds, and which Orson Wells, no relation to H.G., would make into a disastrously famous radio play in 1938.
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