Chapter 20
The being that had been Maria Mendez stood behind the curtains and watched as the little boy ran out in to the street screaming hysterically.
When a police car arrived, the fungus zombie was-Maria Mendez prepared to leave hastily by the back exit. When the police did not come knocking, but left with the boy, was-Maria Mendez picked up a telephone and dialed. The voice at the other end was that of the being that had been the Captain. "Yes?"
"It is I." It closed its eyes and hoped the was-Captain understood who was breaking contact silence by calling.
"Mendez," was-Captain said, speaking as if to the human it had known on board ship. "What is the purpose of this contact?"
"To alert you that Mendez' child is in police custody. Our operation will start becoming visible."
"Our operation will become visible soon enough, but we do not want to hasten that moment," was-Captain said. "Stay there and wait for them to come. I will consult with our advisors and tell you what to say."
After the phone call, was-Maria Mendez waited fifteen minutes standing stock-still behind the curtains. It stood in the shadows while motes of dust danced in the still beam of sunlight stabbing in through a slit in the otherwise thick drapes. It thought.
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Copyright © 2014 by Jean-Thomas Cullen, Clocktower Books. All Rights Reserved.