Chapter 28
Later that morning, was-Maria Mendez walked across the lawn. It looked like an attractive young dark-haired woman in a slightly disarrayed red blouse and a skirt that came to just above the knees. It had shapely calves and flat black leather shoes. It knocked on the neighbors' door and waited.
The Muellers opened. He was a thin, white-haired man of about 70 with age spots and a tremble in his hands. She was a roundish, white-haired woman with watery blue eyes and age spots on her hands that held a wool shawl around her shoulders.
"Hello," said was-Maria. "I am Maria from next door. I am looking for Jimmy."
"Who?" he asked harshlyhe seemed hard of hearing.
"My little boy. He is nine years old. Have you seen him?"
"No," Mrs. Mueller said. "The little boy with the bike?"
"Yes," was-Maria said. "Can I come in? I need your phone."
The old couple looked at each other in surprise. Mueller said: "If you need help finding your boy, of course."
Mrs. Mueller added graciously. " Is it a local call?"
"It is local," was-Maria said. It followed them into the house and closed the door.
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Copyright © 2014 by Jean-Thomas Cullen, Clocktower Books. All Rights Reserved.