Chapter 37
Linsey Simon returned to the office, and saw Louise Trost waving through the smoky glass of her office. Louise had a serious, animated look about her. Linsey, holding a cup of coffee, walked in and sat down. Louise finished a phone and sat forward, steepling her fingers. "Linsey, the fudge is going to start hitting the fan."
"I had a meeting with Dr. Nolan at lunch time. We've decided to raise the alarm level a few shades of color. We've had one guy die, and it looks like the whole city is coated with this unknown yellow fungus." She pointed to a plastic cup full of mushrooms, sealed under a sandwich baggie tied down with several rubber bands. "What if this starts an epidemic? What if it's some terrorist launching what could become a plague?"
Linsey shook her head and winced as she sipped hot coffee. "Keeps us employed, but is a real nuisance."
"No time for flippancy, young lady; what's the action plan?"
"I'm planning to take Cleve out to interview the two surviving roofers. Seems the dead guy, Hugh Milton, may have inhaled fresh yellow spores and/or drunk a lot of water with the freshly fallen spores in it. I want to try and get a lead on those crop dusting planes."
"Every police and military agency in Southern California is on that case. Good luck."
"And I want to track down whatever there is to be tracked down about the Lima Voyager."
"I like that better. Good luck again. Sounds like you have your hands full. Say, Linsey, have you had a talk with that muck-racking husband of yours?"
Linsey grinned. "You mean Yellow Press Jack? I threatened his life if he coughs up as much as a single syllable about what I may mutter in my sleep."
Louise picked up a pair of long-bladed, scary looking scissorsusually used for cutting cloth or newspapers. "You tell old Jack I'm going to personally emasculate him if he does that." She cackled with laughter. Then she added: "Seriously, keep this as hushed as you can until we come out with a joint statement."
"You think it's that far?"
"My gut tells me it's a sleeper, honey. I've been in law enforcement all my life, and I still have a vivid imagination. This story is going to cause a sensation."
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Copyright © 2014 by Jean-Thomas Cullen, Clocktower Books. All Rights Reserved.