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Chapter 14
As they walked along the white wall of cottages on their left, their feet crunching on the gravel and drizzle peppering Tedda's cheeks, Tedda spied a disconcerting figure. Sitting in a narrow opening in the whitewashed wall was a large, hooded figure in a dark cape.
"Don't be afraid," said Lindy, "that is Confessor Grün. You'll be meeting with him from time to time. He talks with all of us."
Tedda barely heard Lindy. Tedda's knees were knocking together, and shivers traveled up and down her back. The deepest cellar of her mind let loose this thought, which only briefly flashed along the bottom of her consciousness before disappearing back into her subconscious: Will he learn about what I did with the knife? There he was, this caped figure sitting on some sort of throne with his back against the far wall, deep inside this space with its missing front wall. He seemed like a fixture. He reminded her of an eel peering out from his cave underwater. As he lifted his head, the voluminous hood fell back, exposing a broad, enigmatic face that radiated power, mystery, and something ominous. His eyes were not so much cold, but seemed animated, heated, calculating, and merciless. Their eye contact lasted only a second, but she fled away. She dimly heard his deep voice say after her, "Child…" and Lindy said something like "He is calling you to him," but Tedda blocked it all out. She felt terrified. The vision, and the feeling emanating from it, vanished in a few minutes as they reached a building on their right.
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