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a Halloween story

by John Argo


title by John ArgoIn the Devil's Hill above the High Road is Mary Lane, a street dating many generations back, and of late inhabited by very elderly people. One such couple were Bernie and Marie Snodgrass. Both in their 80s now, they had been married for nearly sixty years. They had three kids, now married, and eight grandchildren with more on the way. The kids had grown up and moved on, so Bernie and Marie lived alone again, as they did when they were young and just starting out in life.

As our story unfolds, Marie and Bernie had lived their entire lives in Alders. Bernie had been with the railroad until his retirement twenty years ago, and had a nice pension. Aside from sometimes petty bickering, they were happy together and managed to enjoy life. So, what were a few missing teeth, aching joints, forgetful moments, and fear of eating an apple in public for losing one's dentures? Bernie still drove their old car to church on Sundays. He worked in the yard at little bit every day to stay limber. Marie cooked and baked a lot. They belonged to a dance club where they socialized twice a week.

Bernie and Marie enjoyed putting out a pair of hand-carved pumpkins on Hallow E'en. Bernie did the carving, and Marie had some doilies that looked like his and hers clothing. The three kids and their spouses and eight grandchildren and sometimes a few little cousins would come by during the afternoon and decorate the windows. After everyone left, Bernie and Marie would sit by the door, watching Lawrence Welk reruns and waiting for the trick or treaters to come by.

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