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Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. by John Argo is a science fiction novel in the DarkSF series

Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D.

What Is DarkSF?

DarkSF is the Dark Chocolate of Speculative Fiction—the best of the best. Think Blade Runner (1982), Dark City (1998), or Chrysalis (2007). It's ultimately subjective (de gustibus non disputandum) but certain things are inherently clear. Atmospheric, artistic, thoughful movies that take their time and tell a powerful, philosophical story are not material for the majority of fast food movie goers who prefer their stories, fast, violent, sexy, and simply. Sorry, just calling it like it is. Blade Runner was dissed (often hated) by even SF specialists who had no clue about Ridley Scott's vision. The movie gradually edged into cult status (like the SF classic Robinson Crusoe on Mars in 1964, come to think of it). Even critics who hated Ridley Scott's movie originally now generally seem to class it among the best 100 movies ever made (which I knew as I was watching it in a San Diego area theater in the early 1980s). I empathized, because that's the kind of SF I write. And my novel Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. is a good case in point as well.

I'll offer links to Wikipedia info for quick lookups here, because my intention is not to rehash a history of the world (as fascinating as I find all this information). My goal is to offer background information so readers may have a better understanding of my own science fiction novel Robinson Crusoe 1,000,000 A.D. (2003).

As further background information, please refer to my DarkSF website, where I list my own DarkSF stories with a discussion of certain literary, quirky, or different subgenres like New Weird, Slipstream, Surreal, Science Horror, and DarkSF.

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