John T. Cullen's revolutionary new theory of cosmology


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Page 13.

C-3 Bright

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A small amount of the C-3 material, maybe 4%, moves away in all directions from the primordial point that was the original C-2 universe. That is the pinpoint predicated in the Big Bang of the Standard Model. This stuff is an intermediate result that is not lightly bound enough to loss all clumping and resolve into individual go-dot or dark matter. At the same time, it is not dense enough to become the Heavy C-3 that forms galactic nuclei with their black holes and quasars.

In this schematic in false colors, the dark hole (heavy C-3 that remains tightly clumped from the C-2 implosion) forms the center of a nascent galaxy. It creates the galaxy by drawing dynamic, curving streamers of Bright C-3 (the elements from Hydrogen on up; visible matter and energy). This bright C-3 represents an intermediate stage of C-2/3 'unpacking' to ultimately resolve back into C-3 Dark matter (primordial go-dots).

In effect, this Bright C-3 is unpacking itself on the way to returning to the primordial state of go-dots. expands into the universe that is now unpacking itself. This visible material has a lot of energy, and wraps itself around the black holes that attract large swaths of it.

This suggests the mechanism that describes precisely what is observed in galaxies that appear to have far more invisible material than visible. The three types of C-3 material form the black hole (Heavy), the swirl of visible stars, planets, dust, and other elemental material (Bright), and the invisible mass of platelets (Dark).

The baryonic matter and other forms of particles, along with the 92 elements and all, at their most fundamental stage consist of godot platelets stuck together as part of a lingering C-3 effect.

expanding universe

NOTE: I am often compelled to think of the overall mechanics of the motherverse as a kind of endless ‘breathing’ in and out, creating universes and absorbing (destroying) them. We should be able statistically and mathematically to estimate ‘breathing’ periods although there is not one lung or pair of lungs at work (all metaphor) but infinitely many such pulsating processes. They will tend to occur far apart, because the accretion process will tend to vacuum up stray godot material into mutualy exclusive gravitational zones or pauses.

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