John T. Cullen's revolutionary new theory of cosmology


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Page 15.

Eternal Cycle

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At this point, we're back to godots, a sort of invisible, immeasurably fine 'dust' of pure gravitation platelets, and the cycle is complete. It is may be possible that an observer standing outside in the motherverse could see many universes. They might look like a field of stars or smudgy galaxies. Time and space are relative within this framework, and everything works as predicted by existing science, to the extent that existing science has wrapped itself around this larger structure in the new paradigm.

All C-3 ejecta (Dark, Heavy, Bright) in a universe eventually degenerate to godot material in the motherverse, after the end of a cosmopause. This forms seed material for new accretion spheres in an unending cycle. We are, as the song says, not only 'star dust, we are golden,' but we are the material from which infinitely many new universes form in an eternal motherverse of no beginning or end.

So there we are, having portrayed the cycle of evolutionary, natural, non-designed creation through all of its phases.

We have taken the path of simplicity at every turn. More complicated scenarios might involve what happens when multiple accretion spheres form near each other (they most likely jam together, and form a single new universe).

It seems unlikely that universes drift in the motherverse, because their mass would be a large attractor versus the greater aggregate mass of the motherverse, and would tend to stay fixed if the motherverse is pulling equally from all sides. That idea, however, does raise a tantalizing possibility.

The question arises whether there are larger structures (of universes) in the motherverse, as there are galaxies, great walls of galaxies, and other vast structures in our universe. I have no answer for that except to say it is possible, knowing what we know at this moment in time.

expanding universe

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