Page 18.
“Where to?”
“Cross that bridge when and if we get there.”
“I feel at home with you too, as with no other woman before.” I have no idea why.
She made that older face. “I know men. You have a fascination for the older woman. There has to be just one in every young man’s life. You’ll never mention me again, but you’ll think about me for the rest of your life.”
He put an arm around her. “And you, chatter-mouth? You’ll think about me wherever you go, Upskate, Downskate, or Sideskate.”
“You are right, of course.” She sighed. “Oh give me a man who is always right.”
“I mean well.”
“I know you do, baby. Thank you.” She cuddled against him. With his fingertips, he touched her ribs; her vertebrae like tender, submissive, vulnerable steps to her soul. He wanted to possess her, and have her, and pour himself into her, and hear her laugh, or listen to her surf-like breathing as she gently snored beside him, full of dreams like the sea. All that was within his reach, and he was too intoxicated to withstand her gravitational pull. She was a planet or even a sun, while he was a moon, and she bathed him in her light and warmth.
She spoke at the ceiling beams. “I like the idea of being married. I’m not sure about actually living it day to day. When I meet a stranger I enjoy saying I’m married so they’ll go away. I so enjoy seeing the envy. I’m attractive to men, who mistake that as meaning I’m happily married, whatever that means to them. They look closely, trying to read the truth in my hair, in my hands, in my eyebrows. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t toy with anyone. I just like to leave them on that note. It’s like credit, like protection.” She gave him a sudden, violent look. “I have never screwed around with anyone.”
“Is this screwing around?”
Ready to walk if need be.
She took his hands in hers, as if to blow on them and heal the sting. “No, baby. I don’t know what this is. Maybe it’s friendship. God knows I am so alone it scares me.”
I hope you don’t own a gun.
“You’re worried about me.” She made a reassuring face. “I won’t do anything to hurt myself. I love life too much.” She added, “The last thing I want is to hurt you.”
He pushed his hands out and wrapped them around hers. “I am not looking for anything hurtful. This is like science.”
She laughed. “What?”
“Gravity. Mutual attraction. The moon and the earth. Earth and the sun.”
She stroked his wrist slowly and considerately, as if reading his fortune. “Maybe you can shed some light on me.”
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