= Galley City YANA Content =
YANA: Young Adult & New Adult
The rare teenage fiction & poetry written by a teenager (JTC)
Summer Planets Teenage (YA) novel completed at age 19 by JTC (me). See also my teenage novel Summer Planets website along with samples of & info about my 400+ proud poems. Most Young Adult (YA) novels are not written by teenagers nor young adults, but by older persons. Here is that extremely rare, genuine teenage (YA) novel that captures the dreamy, wistful, often painful and moody atmosphere of the universe as seen by a sensitive, creative teenager. Worth a look, definitely worth a read.
On Saint Ronan Street, a Love Affair A Young Adult Novel written long ago during the Cold War by me as a young (27) U.S. soldier stationed far, far from home in a West German garrison city. Like all young soldiers overseas, thrilled for the adventure yet lonely and homesick, hence this novel
a way of reliving his lost world of a New England college town, friends there, young women and love affairs reimagined in the glow of a Parkbräu beer glass served by a remarkably resembling author John Updike; all this, in an old, haunted Hitler-era Wehrmacht barracks amid darkness, moonlight, darting moths, and gentle, tidal strains of Mozart's Symphonies 40 and 41. Not to mention, many a four hour train ride to Paris, constellation of authors from Hemingway to James Joyce to François Villon and myriad other writer idols (Rilke, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Shakespeare & Co., endless list). +Info soon.
October Leaf: 93 Poems by Jean-Thomas Cullen. One of my poetry collections, most written as a teenager years agoplease enjoy. Background: 
